How It Works

Non-invasive and FDA-approved, Upneeq is a treatment designed to address eyelid ptosis. Instead of utilizing surgery or dermal fillers, Upneeq uses a simple eyedrop prescription to treat eyelid drooping. This method is able to restore a more aesthetically pleasing smile and upper facial appearance and doesn’t come with any of the risks or recovery time of blepharoplasty. Some studies have shown that patients notice more youthfulness in their face in just minutes to hours after the eyelid drops are applied.

The Science Behind The Treatment

Upneeq was designed to treat acquired blepharoptosis, a condition where the upper lids become weakened and start to droop. Upneeq is an alpha-adrenergic agonist that is formulated with oxymetazoline hydrochloride ophthalmic solution, 0.1%. Oxymetazoline. The primary ingredient in this treatment causes the Muller’s muscle in the upper eyelid to contract, inducing a dramatic lift. Overall, the application of these eyedrops can result in a lift of about 1 to 3 millimeters.

What to Expect

Before you arrive

As with any procedure, the first step is for the patient to have a consultation with an experienced practitioner to discuss the treatment and ensure that their desired outcomes are attained. This is the best way to prepare for Upneeq. It is important to make sure that the liquid is clear before being used. Patients who wear contacts should remove them before applying Upneeq. They can be put back in after 15 minutes have elapsed.

After Treatment

Patients usually see a change in a matter of minutes to hours.

What It Will Feel Like

Applying Upneeq is similar to the application of standard eye drops. The patient will have to lean their head back and make sure to keep their eyes open. The eyedropper should be held directly above the eye before releasing the drop (just one at a time). The patient can then close their eyes and give the Upneeq formula time to be absorbed. Patients should wait at least one minute before blinking or touching their eye area. It is also vital to make sure that the vial never makes contact with the eyes, as this can cause contamination.

Post-procedure Care

Upneeq requires no recovery time. After applying the eye drops, patients should wait at least 15 minutes before driving or operating dangerous equipment.

  • Before and After Treatments



    30 Minutes

  • Before


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Are you a candidate?

The best way to determine your candidacy for treatments is to schedule a consult.

However, you are likely a candidate if you are experiencing:

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