
How It Works

Kybella is an injectable medication that gets rid of fat beneath the chin, or the submental area. It is a safe and effective procedure that destroys fat cells and inhibits their re-growth. If you’ve been fighting off the “double chin,” you will likely love what Kybella can do for you.

The Science Behind The Treatment

Kybella is a form of deoxycholic acid, a compound that helps to destroy dietary fat. Kybella does not come from humans or animals. Deoxycholic acid destroys fat cells while simultaneously blocking the ability of surrounding cells to absorb or store additional fat. This destruction and blockage allows the body to gradually get rid of the fat in the area injected.

How to Prepare

Let us know if you have ever had filler or any other procedure performed in the area you would like treated during your consult. Also let us know if you have a history of cold sores or have ever had an adverse reaction to light, laser, or other similar treatments in the past. Our providers may suggest medications prior and after treatment for optimal healing.

What to Expect

Before you arrive

Please do not wear makeup that would be difficult to remove with a gentle cleanser or wipe to your appointment.

Before your procedure, we will gentle clean the area under your chin and jawline. Because Kybella injections can be momentarily uncomfortable, you should consider whether you would like to be numbed with a topical cream prior to the appointment. If so, make sure to schedule a one hour topical numbing appointment before your procedure time.

Once the area being treated has been cleansed, a temporary tattoo will be placed in the shape of a grid. This will be removed after the procedure.

After Treatment

After your procedure, you may have some bruising and redness in the areas injected. It is common to experience swelling after the procedure, which typically goes down within a day or two. It is fine to cover up bruising with make-up. We will give you in-depth aftercare instructions at your appointment and are available to answer any questions as needed.

What It Will Feel Like

Many patients find Kybella injections uncomfortable but bearable without topical numbing, although this varies greatly between individuals. It is typically recommended that topical numbing be placed prior to your first procedure, which can be discussed at your consultation appointment.

Post-procedure Care

It is okay to shower and bathe normally after kybella injections. Ice can be applied to ease swelling and bruising. We will give you in-depth aftercare instructions at your appointment and are available to answer any questions as needed.

  • Kybella®



    After 3 Treatments

  • Kybella®



    After 3 Treatments

  • Kybella®



    After 4 Treatments

  • Kybella®



    After 6 Treatments

  • Kybella®



    After 4 Treatments

  • Kybella®



    After 4 Treatments

  • Chin Contouring



Are you a candidate?

The best way to determine your candidacy for treatments is to schedule a consult.

However, you are likely a candidate if you are experiencing:

Unwanted Fat

20-30 Min.

Per Session


The number of treatments you will need will vary depending on the severity of what is being treated, although most patients require around 3 treatments.

To learn more about our services please contact us at (434) 956-4835

Private Consultations

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Each consultation is a 1-on-1 with your provider and the first step in the collaborative relationship between you and our staff. In a private setting, we will discuss your concerns, goals, options, and the details of the CoolSculpting procedure.


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